The Profile of HPV Oral Lesions
The mere mention of HPV can strike fear in the hearts of dental clients. Oral lesions associated with human papilloma virus infection are of great significance to the dental community and their diagnosis prompts many questions and concerns from patients. Responsible for a variety of lesions in the oral cavity, it behooves the dental community to be knowledgeable about those of both low- and high-risk HPV subtypes. This interactive course will present the various oral manifestations of HPV including squamous papilloma, focal epithelial hyperplasia (Heck’s disease), condyloma acuminatum and HPV oropharyngeal cancer. Many images presented are from the presenter’s personal collection of lesion images accumulated over a 38-year dental career. Clinical appearance and treatment options will be included for each lesion, with a discussion concerning lesions to include in the differential diagnoses. Engaging patients in dialogue about HPV lesions, especially concerning the link with oropharyngeal cancer will also be discussed.